Does more Ram help FPS and how much Ram need for gaming? - Reedablez

Random Access Memory, or RAM, is crucial to any modern computer system. It stores and quickly accesses data that the computer needs to run various programs and processes. In the context of gaming, many people wonder whether RAM can affect FPS (Frames Per Second) or not. The answer is yes, RAM can affect FPS, and in this article, we will explain how and why.

What is FPS?

FPS refers to the number of frames or images a computer can display per second. Higher FPS means smoother gameplay, less lag, and a more enjoyable experience in gaming. Most modern games require a minimum of 60 FPS to run smoothly. However, some high-end games require much higher FPS for optimal performance.

How does RAM affect FPS?

RAM stores temporary data whch includes textures, game assets, and other game-related information. When a game runs, the CPU must access this data frequently to render the game on the screen. If the RAM is not fast enough or does not have enough capacity to store all the required data, it can lead to slow performance and lower FPS.

The amount of RAM a computer has can also affect FPS. A computer with too little RAM can lead to performance issues, including lower FPS. This is because the computer will be forced to use the hard drive as virtual memory, which is much slower than RAM. As a result, the CPU will take longer to access the data it needs, leading to slower performance and lower FPS.

On the other hand, having too much RAM does not necessarilyram increase fps. If a computer has more RAM than it needs, it will not significantly impact FPS and will notgrow in fps. This is because the CPU will only use as much RAM as it needs, and the excess RAM will remain unused.

Another essential factor to consider is the speed of the RAM. The rate of RAM is measured in MHz and determines how quickly the RAM can transfer data to and from the CPU. The faster the RAM, the quicker the CPU can access the data it needs, leading to better performance and higher FPS. Therefore, upgrading to faster RAM can be a good option if you want to improve your FPS.

Major Types of RAM

DDR3 and DDR4 are major types of RAM. DDR3 is an older technology that is not as fast as DDR4. DDR4 is considered to be faster and shows way greater energy-efficiency as compared to DDR3. However, DDR4 RAM is more expensive than DDR3 RAM. Therefore, DDR3 RAM may be a good option if you are on a tight budget. However, upgrading to DDR4 RAM can significantly improve your gaming performance if you have the budget.

Does upgrading RAM help FPS?

RAM can help with FPS by providing the resources the CPU needs to access quickly to render the game on the screen. If the RAM is too slow or has insufficient capacity, it can lead to slow performance and lower FPS. Therefore, upgrading your RAM can help improve your FPS and make your gaming experience more enjoyable.

Does more Ram help FPS

How much RAM do you need for gaming?

The amount of RAM you need for gaming depends on several factors, including the type of game you play, the resolution of your monitor, and the other components of your computer. Almost all modern day computer games need at least 8GB RAM for smooth functioning. However, you may need 16 GB of ramor more to play high-end games. It is also important to note that some games may require more RAM than others, so it is always best to check the system requirements of the game you want to play.


In conclusion, RAM can affect FPS, and it is an essential factor to consider when building or upgrading a gaming computer. The amount of RAM, the RAM speed, and the type of RAM can all impact gaming performance. Upgrading to faster and more efficient RAM can improve FPS and make the gaming experience more enjoyable. However, it is essential to remember that other computer components, such as the CPU and GPU, also play a significant role in gaming performance. Therefore, it is necessary to have a balanced and well-optimized system to achieve optimal gaming performance.

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